Extra! Extra! Read all about it! (AKA. 2018, so far).
Oh hey there reader. How are you? Apologies for the radio silence over the last few months. We’ve had an industrious hibernation and are on the cusp of taking our first few steps towards Spring, and a with a literal spring in our step because we’ve had some VERY exciting news over here at HQ…
(Drum roll please)....
We’ve been selected as one of the New Diorama’s Emerging Graduate companies for 2018/19! (I mean, you probably already heard about this, if you pay attention, durrrrr). But we’re still super excited and really thankful for being selected, alongside a whole bunch of other fab companies who we can’t wait to meet and work with over the course of the next year. Basically we can’t stop banging on about it to everyone we meet. We really can’t wait to get cracking.
Plus, in other interesting developments, we’re cooking up an all-new project for your delectation.
It’s big. It’s yellow. It’s hella’ spicy and had its first scratch outing at The Pleasance’s Charlie Hartill Award Try-outs last month, Bric a Brac presents (dramatic voice): Mustard Doesn’t Go With Girls. In its early stages, like a young babe in arms, we’re devising a show about WOMEN and THEIR STORIES. OK. Because we are a company of lovely ladies and one lovely man and we think it seems like the right time to make this show and explore these narratives. [Disclaimer: The finished show may or may not feature videos, masturbating pomegranates and some high-class Bric à Brac quirk]. So stay tuned and you’ll be the first to hear about our next steps with the project.
In other news, we bring you the news that we have some more exciting new to bring you very soon. Basically lots of news. Keep your hungry little ears peeled!
Take care. x