VAULT Festival: what to watch!
We can't wait for VAULT Festival! Not long now. We're thrilled to be performing alongside lots and lots of amazing performers. We've had a little look at the good old program. Here are some of the shows the members of Bric à Brac definitely will be checking out for VAULT Festival 2017.
Crocodile - Joyous Guard.
"'Combining pitch-black humour' - I have the blackest humour out there so I cannot wait to have it tested by this show. Awesome poster and love the absurd concept of having a crocodile for a daughter. Will definitely be going to see this one."
1st - 5th Feb
Ava Rage - Lorna Shaw
"I'm excited for this one - an insecure clown doing a show with a loop-pedal and catchy pop backing tracks - what is not to love?!"
26th Jan
Scribble - The RH Experience
"I’m not usually a fan of improv, but I’ve been lucky enough to share a bill with these guys before and the 20 minutes I saw left me wanting more! Slick skits, great music and live illustration that gives an additional creative flair to proper funny improv!"
1st and 5th Feb
Skin of the Teeth - Fat Content
"Based on a Grimm's Tale and directed by a fellow Lecoqian I'm looking forward to catching this dark and surreal story about a natural human emotion: fear."
Love the style of Lecoq!? We also have an exclusive combo discount with Fat Content. Both shows £15!
1st - 5th Feb
Bechdel Theatre Podcast - Beth Watson & Pippa Sa
"Podcast Theatre, yes please. Podcast Theatre discussing gender in theatre, yes please. Intrigued and curious about this, got to check out."
1st Feb
Chorus (Work in progress) - Katie Bonna
"I'm looking forward to watching what is actually the last show of the Vault Festival. This piece caught my eye for a couple of reasons. First of all, I enjoy watching works in progress, especially works written by women. Secondly, the content of this piece (how and why women self-censor) seems particularly engaging and relevant. Excited and curious to see what Katie will have prepared!"
4th March & 5th March.
Dr Zeiffal, Dr Zeigal, and The Hippo That Can Never Be Caught! - Mouths of Lions
"Fun, lighthearted, honest and meaningful."
28th & 29th Jan | 11th, 12th, 25th, 26th Feb